Learn about our product
Through 40 years of research, Wellin™ has elevated milk's inherent healing capabilities to provide many benefits to overall health. This includes complementing the body's anti-inflammatory response, promoting improved antibody function, an increase in immunity, and helping to enhance athletic performance.
Key Findings
Improvement in Overall Physical Function
Improvement in Overall Knee Stability
Improvement in Overall Low Back Health
Noteworthy Benefits
- Improvement in physical function at night while in bed 32%
- Reduction in knee discomfort at night while in bed 32%
- Improvement in physical function at night while ascending stairs 32%
- Reduction in confusion 61%
- Improvement in physical function while walking on flat surface 50%
- Reduction in hopelessness 69%
Clinical Trials
In 2018, Stolle Milk Biologics, Inc. participated in an independent, randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial on healthy, non-osteoarthritic individuals. Male and female middle-aged subjects were given 4g of MicroLactin® or placebo daily for 8 weeks to determine the effects on joint discomfort, joint stiffness, the physical function of the knee, and overall health of the neck and lower back.
Personal ailments were assessed using the Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Clinical trial participants experienced a 37% improvement in their physical function. Additional physical improvements reported by participants include increased mobility when removing socks (58%), getting in and out of a bathtub (55%), and descending stairs (32%).
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Anyone suffering from any illness, injury or disease should consult with a physician.

Key Study Findings on Joint Pain and Inflammation
Visit the US National Library of Medicine for the Full Results.